Posts in Samantha Gambale
Power | Daily Devotional

Have you ever in your life commanded the morning,

And caused the dawn to know its place,

That it might take hold of the ends of the earth,

And the wicked be shaken out of it?

Job 38:12-13 NASB

I do not know anyone who can answer that question affirmatively. In fact, there are things far less extreme than the sun or judgment of the wicked that I would like to be able to control, but have absolutely no power to command. While none of us could possibly tell the sun what to do, God created it using only His word, and He causes it to rise faithfully with the seasons. Our God is powerful, indeed.

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Goodness | Daily Devotional

“If you grew up in church, too, read it out loud with me: God is good...all the time. And all the time...God is good.

This is such a comfort, especially “in the day of trouble” as mentioned in Nahum 1:7. When you’re living in a day of trouble, there’s so much to be discouraged by. Have you ever had one of those days? It was bad news on top of anxiety, spilled milk on top of forgetting an important assignment. It was being ignored on top of feeling like a failure. It was an argument in your closest relationship that came out of nowhere after yet another day of the same ol’ routine. A day of trouble.
The Lord is good on that day.”

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Relationships | Daily Devotional

During the pandemic, I’ve heard the phrase, “We’re all the same boat.” It’s true that we’re all experiencing the effects of the new socialization rules, uncertainties, schedule changes, and schooling environments. But I’ve also heard it clarified, “We’re in the same storm, but different boats.” While we are experiencing quarantine collectively, we are processing it as individuals.

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Personal Evaluation | Daily Devotional

Search me, O God, and know my heart;

Try me and know my anxious thoughts;

And see if there be any hurtful way in me,

And lead me in the everlasting way.

Psalm 139:23-24, NASB

I highlighted these verses in my Bible back in the college days when it was cute to draw a heart next to every “heart” typed on the pages. Scribbled next to them in the same blue ink are the words “Don’t leave me unchanged.”

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Reading | Daily Devotional

Don’t you wish we could take a peek at which books made the Apostle Paul’s Isolation Reading List? What filled the pages he requested? Poetry? Scripture? Letters? Philosophy? While we can never know for sure because he doesn’t say, we can perceive that those books meant a lot to him; the parchments were valuable at a time when Paul was feeling very alone.

Paul’s ask comes in the middle of a long list of people who have abandoned him.

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Holy Week | Wednesday

Jesus knew. His understanding reached deeper and further than anyone else’s at the table. He knew what was already in motion, what had been planned from the beginning. He knew he was headed to the cross at the hand of his betrayer. He also knew Father God had “given all things into his hands.” Though betrayal, suffering, and death were guaranteed in the days ahead, they were not the end; Jesus knew his painful journey would ultimately lead him--and all those in his hand--to the presence of God.

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