Goodness | Daily Devotional


“The Lord is good,

A stronghold in the day of trouble,

And He knows those who take refuge in Him.”

Nahum 1:7

If you grew up in church, too, read it out loud with me: God is good...all the time. And all the time...God is good. 

The day of trouble

This is such a comfort, especially “in the day of trouble” as mentioned in Nahum 1:7. When you’re living in a day of trouble, there’s so much to be discouraged by. Have you ever had one of those days? It was bad news on top of anxiety, spilled milk on top of forgetting an important assignment. It was being ignored on top of feeling like a failure. It was an argument in your closest relationship that came out of nowhere after yet another day of the same ol’ routine. A day of trouble. 

The Lord is good on that day. 

Our refuge

His goodness does not shift with our circumstances. In fact, on that exact day of trouble, God is a stronghold; He is a place of safety in whom we can take refuge. We can trust that when we seek Him, He will be found. Those who wait on Him will not be put to shame. He delights in us and rejoices over us with singing. He is good all the time. What peace can fill us when the Spirit reminds us of this at just the right moment! 

Seen, known, loved

This single verse in Nahum comes in the middle of a graphic description of how God will judge His enemies. His wrath “will be poured out like fire” (Nahum 1:6), and He will “pursue His enemies into darkness” (vs. 8). And at the same time, God “knows those who take refuge in Him” (vs. 7). Those who belong to Him are safe. He sees us, He knows us, and He loves us. While God is good to judge evil, He is also good to take special care of those purchased by the blood of His Son. 

Rest in His goodness

What is troubling you today? Ask the Lord to show you His goodness in the midst of it. Seek comfort in His presence. Are you not sure how you’re going to pay your next bill? Find peace in the good God of the universe who owns the earth and everything in it. He is a good Father who loves to give good gifts to His children. Are you trying to hold your home together in your own strength? Remember that the Lord is our shepherd and with Him, we will lack no good thing. Our God is good. All the time.

Lord, you are good. Forgive my doubt of your goodness when I am enduring days of trouble. Holy Spirit, remind me to find refuge in the One who knows my needs even before I ask and who delights in meeting them. Let your praise be on my lips each and every day.