Power | Daily Devotional


Have you ever in your life commanded the morning,

And caused the dawn to know its place, 

That it might take hold of the ends of the earth, 

And the wicked be shaken out of it?

Job 38:12-13 NASB

I do not know anyone who can answer that question affirmatively. In fact, there are things far less extreme than the sun or judgment of the wicked that I would like to be able to control, but have absolutely no power to command. While none of us could possibly tell the sun what to do, God created it using only His word, and He causes it to rise faithfully with the seasons. Our God is powerful, indeed.

Power to Judge

As we’ve meditated on God’s character recently, we’ve been reminded that our God is just. He is filled with righteous wrath against evil. When His people were enslaved in Egypt, He heard their cries and delivered them with miraculous displays of His power. Plague after plague came from heaven until there was freedom for God’s people. When the enemy tried to follow, God caused the waters to swallow them whole. Afterward, the people sang, “Your right hand, Lord, was majestic in power. Your right hand, Lord, shattered the enemy” (Exodus 15:6). God’s people could not defeat their enemies in their own strength; they did not have the resources, ability, or capacity to secure a complete victory. 

But God does. 

Power to Save

It’s not just over external enemies that our God holds power. He is able to change us from within. James describes the tongue as impossible for any human to tame (James 3:8), yet God has made men mute (see the story of Zechariah in Luke 1), and He fills believers with the fruit of the spirit: self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Our God’s power knows no limit.

Not only does God have the power to create the universe from nothing; not only does God have the authority to judge the wicked; not only does God have the strength to tame the untamable; He can raise the dead to life. And He has!

While we were dead in our sins, God “made us alive with Christ” (Colossians 2:13). While our resources, abilities, and capacity for loving God were found lifeless, God took on flesh, provided the perfect complete sacrifice for our sin, and raised Him back to life. Those who believe in Jesus are raised with Him to new life today. 

Romans reminds us that the good news-- the gospel--”is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” (1:16). I pray you find refuge in this truth. Our God is mighty to save. His power gives us great hope. 

Father God, you are filled with almighty power. You have authority over creation, over my life, and over my soul. Forgive me for doubting your ability to judge. Forgive me for forgetting what a miracle salvation is. Fill my heart with awe and wonder when I meditate on you. May the good news--the power of God that brings salvation--always be on my lips. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.