Posts tagged Quarantine Pitfalls
Quarantine Pitfalls: Social Isolation

Humans are social creatures who literally cannot begin or continue to exist without varying levels of community around us. Our inclusion into larger groups is fundamental to our nature and integral to the development of our individual identities. The first human, it should be noted, realized that he did not have companionship and community for himself in the way that the other creatures did; he was isolated.

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Quarantine Pitfalls: Relational Conflict

Have you ever been in the middle of a conflict and realized you’re fuzzy on the details of why it began in the first place? Or, has someone close to you—a spouse, child, or roommate—said something that set you off for reasons that totally escape you?

Chances are, you can resonate with at least some version of those scenarios now that you’ve been hunkered down with the same people for the last seven weeks. (That’s 70,560 minutes, by the way… but who’s counting?)

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Relationships | Daily Devotional

During the pandemic, I’ve heard the phrase, “We’re all the same boat.” It’s true that we’re all experiencing the effects of the new socialization rules, uncertainties, schedule changes, and schooling environments. But I’ve also heard it clarified, “We’re in the same storm, but different boats.” While we are experiencing quarantine collectively, we are processing it as individuals.

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