Posts in Jay Hobbs
Faithfulness | Daily Devotional

It’s not for nothing that we refer to Jeremiah as “The Weeping Prophet.”

Born and raised on the brink of calamity, Jeremiah’s life’s calling was threefold. First, he was to warn God’s people to turn from their sin, which is summarized in Jeremiah 2 as an idolatrous rejection of God—the “fountain of living waters”—in exchange for the busted and cracked water jugs of false gods.

Tragically, God’s people continued in their rebellion despite Jeremiah’s warnings, which led to his second message: God was sending unspeakable disaster to His stiff-necked people in the form of a barbaric, ruthless enemy Babylon, who would enslave His people for 70 years.

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Justice | Daily Devotional

We’re all familiar with cries for justice. A bereaved mother calls for the prosecution of her son’s killer, swindled stockholders demand that corporate executives be held accountable, and civil rights advocates call on a nation to live up to its creed that “all men are created equal.”

Ever since Adam’s sin in the Garden, the world has not been as it should be. Our nations are not what they should be. Our families are not what they should be. We are not as we should be.

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Quarantine Pitfalls: Relational Conflict

Have you ever been in the middle of a conflict and realized you’re fuzzy on the details of why it began in the first place? Or, has someone close to you—a spouse, child, or roommate—said something that set you off for reasons that totally escape you?

Chances are, you can resonate with at least some version of those scenarios now that you’ve been hunkered down with the same people for the last seven weeks. (That’s 70,560 minutes, by the way… but who’s counting?)

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Meditation | Daily Devotional

What have you been daydreaming about lately? Or, perhaps more to the point, what do you tend to look forward to after a long day of work?

At this time of year, we’re usually about a month into baseball season, which means my honest answer would have to include catching a few innings of a ballgame once the kids are in bed. But even with one fewer thing to distract me, I’ll still admit that it’s an ongoing project to keep God’s Word, His character, and His praise-worthiness at the forefront of my mind and heart.

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Bible Study | Daily Devotional

At this stage of the game, the Internet is starting to pop a bit with speculations and predictions about what might change about our lives if (and when!) we emerge from COVID-19 exile. Will online shopping replace many brick-and-mortar stores once and for all? What about movie theaters? Even the future of the handshake is now questionable, depending on which expert is speaking when.

But as the musical geniuses who wrote “Frozen II” so often remind us, some things never change. Plenty of things might make that list in a temporal sense, but isn’t it comforting to know that our God and His Word will never change?

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Prayer | Daily Devotional

As we consider how to make the best use of our current season, I’ve got a question for you: How is your prayer life right now?

Too many times, our prayer life is stale, lame, and meager because we’re missing the larger context of the world and our Father’s work in it. Amid our responsibilities, routines, and sheer scheduling of life, prayer seems to be the one “activity” we leave for another day. Rather than taking advantage of the direct line we have to the very throne room of God our Father, we try to soldier on through one more day on our own.

The mere fact that on virtually every page of Scripture we can find either someone—including Jesus himself—praying, or believers being invited, urged, and instructed on how and why to pray tells us that prayer is not an optional piece to the Christian life.

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Holy Week | Thursday

We live in a time where self-expression is prized as a highest good. From the moment we wake up—including in the middle of the night—to the time we lay our heads down to sleep, we want our voice to be heard on matters large and small. We crave for everyone within earshot to know exactly what’s on our mind, and even on our dinner plates, at all times.

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