Posts tagged Holy Week
Holy Week | Thursday

We live in a time where self-expression is prized as a highest good. From the moment we wake up—including in the middle of the night—to the time we lay our heads down to sleep, we want our voice to be heard on matters large and small. We crave for everyone within earshot to know exactly what’s on our mind, and even on our dinner plates, at all times.

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Holy Week | Wednesday

Jesus knew. His understanding reached deeper and further than anyone else’s at the table. He knew what was already in motion, what had been planned from the beginning. He knew he was headed to the cross at the hand of his betrayer. He also knew Father God had “given all things into his hands.” Though betrayal, suffering, and death were guaranteed in the days ahead, they were not the end; Jesus knew his painful journey would ultimately lead him--and all those in his hand--to the presence of God.

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Holy Week | Tuesday

As Jesus approached the last hours of his life we see him expressing his last wishes, and what he wanted more than anything was to share a meal with his disciples. He says in Luke 22:15, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.” Jesus earnestly desired to share this meal with them because it was a meal they would never forget. Not because the food was unforgettable; in fact, the menu items Jesus chose were quite underwhelming. What made this a “meal of remembrance” was what the menu items meant.

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Holy Week | Monday

“This will probably be the toughest week…there will be death.” — President Donald Trump

The president used sober and serious words to describe the terrible week that awaits many around the world. There will be grief, suffering, loss, and death. It is the kind of week that you would run away from with all your might, the kind of week you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy.

Ironically, 2000 years ago, you could have used the president’s exact description to portray the week that awaited Jesus. It began with rejoicing and celebration, but it would without question be the toughest week of Christ’s life. It would hold the most violent and horrific death any human has ever experienced.

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