Posts in Will Klotz
Wrath | Daily Devotional

The God of the universe is wrathful. He is filled with fury and indignation. He burns with white hot anger, and a day has been appointed that He will release every bit of that anger on humanity.

Such language sounds ridiculous if not offensive to our modern ears. A god of wrath and anger is the god of less civilized societies, the god of former barbaric eras where the anger and violence of humans was projected onto a creator of their own making.

As a result, modern professing Christians have done much to eradicate the wrath of God from our consciousness. From Presbyterian songwriters modifying “In Christ Alone” lyrics from reading, “the wrath of God was satisfied,” to a more pleasant sounding, “the love of God was magnified.” But it's not just liberal denominations who have moved in this direction. I consider myself a conservative Bible-believing pastor. But as I evaluate my own ministry, I’m struck with the fact that I rarely address this subject and how even preparing a blog on it makes me somewhat hesitant.

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Holiness | Daily Devotional

Exodus 15:11 proclaims that God is majestic in holiness, but what does that word “holy” mean? The answer is actually found in the rhetorical questions stated previously in the verse.

Who is like you, O Lord? The answer is absolutely no one. That is what it means to be holy--completely and utterly unique, unlike anything or anyone in the rest of creation.

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Evangelism | Daily Devotional

One would think that being held in isolation would halt the advance of the gospel. How can we continue to see the gospel spread if we are mostly staying in place?

Paul actually saw the opposite. As Paul writes the letter to the Philippian church, he sits confined in a Roman prison cell. He is not able to go to synagogues and market places as he normally would to preach the good news.

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Worship | Daily Devotional

The good news is that even while we wait, we can experience God’s purpose for our lives. In Psalm 27, David shows us a sense of purpose that coronavirus can't take away. David is a man on a mission, stating something he wants to spend “all the days of his life” doing. He has a clear goal that he is seeking after: to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord.

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Don't Waste Your Quarantine | April 15

Humans need purpose. Quite literally, without it we die. A number of years ago the staff at a nursing home conducted an experiment to answer the question, What would happen if we brought pets into the facility and gave the residents the responsibility to take care of them? What they noticed in the residents was an increase in energy, health, and even overall life expectancy because of a new found sense of purpose.

One of the hardest things about being in quarantine over the past couple weeks can be a feeling of purposelessness.

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Holy Week | Tuesday

As Jesus approached the last hours of his life we see him expressing his last wishes, and what he wanted more than anything was to share a meal with his disciples. He says in Luke 22:15, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.” Jesus earnestly desired to share this meal with them because it was a meal they would never forget. Not because the food was unforgettable; in fact, the menu items Jesus chose were quite underwhelming. What made this a “meal of remembrance” was what the menu items meant.

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Holy Week | Monday

“This will probably be the toughest week…there will be death.” — President Donald Trump

The president used sober and serious words to describe the terrible week that awaits many around the world. There will be grief, suffering, loss, and death. It is the kind of week that you would run away from with all your might, the kind of week you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy.

Ironically, 2000 years ago, you could have used the president’s exact description to portray the week that awaited Jesus. It began with rejoicing and celebration, but it would without question be the toughest week of Christ’s life. It would hold the most violent and horrific death any human has ever experienced.

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Your Most Precious Possession | April 1, 2020

Peter says this is the kind of value you should place on your faith. There is nothing in your life more important, more valuable, more precious, and there is nothing you should be unwilling to forgo for the sake of your faith. There is no possession or person more critical to you than the faith that unites you to Jesus Christ.

Given how important our faith is, we should respond in two ways: testing and tending.

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Is That Really Necessary? | March 31, 2020

We ask this question of those causing us some amount of frustration, difficulty, or pain. When we think about the trials we face in life, we may want to direct that same question towards God. Is that really necessary, Lord? Peter, a man who went through some trials of his own, would say, “Yes, they absolutely are.”

Why does God allow us to suffer? Why does he allow us to experience long seasons of pain and struggle? There are a variety of answers to that question, some answers he reveals to us, others he keeps to himself. But verse 7 shows us one of the most important reasons: to test the authenticity of the most precious thing in our life--our faith.

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Joy and Grief | March 30, 2020

In the first 5 verses of 1st Peter, we have enough good news to fuel an entire lifetime with joy. That’s why Peter says “in all this” you greatly rejoice. In all what? Everything he just said in vs. 1-5. In verses 1-2, Peter describes God’s loving choice to make us his very own. In v. 3 he describes a true and living hope we all hold because of the resurrection of Jesus. In verses 4-5 he tells us about an inheritance we have been given that will never cease to amaze us and that can never be taken away.

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An Imperishable Inheritance | March 26, 2020

One of the most painful experiences during trying times is that of loss. As Peter writes to exiles, he recognizes that his readers no longer have things that they once relied on and even treasured. Some have lost positions in society, familial relationships, and valuable possessions.

Loss is a word we hear a lot about right now. Some of us are experiencing it quite painfully. All have lost a sense of normalcy in life, some have lost life savings or jobs through economic trouble, others have even lost family and loved ones.

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Daily Devotional | March 25, 2020

May God bless America. May God bless us during these trying times. May God grant us his blessing as we fight this virus. During difficult times, these are all phrases we are bound to hear in one form or another. But when Peter spoke into difficult times, he pointed words of blessing in an unfamiliar direction to many of us. Instead of saying “God bless us,” he tells Christians, “Let us bless God.”

To be blessed quite literally means to be happy, favored, praised, or spoken well of…

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Daily Devotional | March 24, 2020

Some have described the phrase “elect exiles” as a two-word sermon because of how packed it is with meaning. Let's consider each word:

An exile is someone who has been rejected. They no longer have a place they can call home. This idea is further elaborated when Peter uses the word dispersion. These are God’s people who have perhaps been rejected and have been dispersed, living in places unfamiliar and inhospitable. For an exile, the areas of life once relied on and trusted in are now very uncertain.

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Daily Devotional | March 23, 2020

Receiving a letter from someone important can mean a lot…especially during hard times. I can remember personally, during some of my hardest days in 15 months of drug rehab how excitedly I would open letters from my family. Receiving a personal note of encouragement and care in the midst of difficult days made everything a bit more bearable.

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