Daily Devotional | March 24, 2020


Elect Exiles

Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, 

To those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,  2according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood: 

May grace and peace be multiplied to you.

1 Peter 1:1-2

Some have described the phrase “elect exiles” as a two-word sermon because of how packed it is with meaning. Let's consider each word:


An exile is someone who has been rejected. They no longer have a place they can call home. This idea is further elaborated when Peter uses the word dispersion. These are God’s people who have perhaps been rejected and have been dispersed, living in places unfamiliar and inhospitable. For an exile, the areas of life once relied on and trusted in are now very uncertain. 

People living under COVID-19 are not so much religious or political exiles, but may perhaps feel a bit similar. The things we had come to rely on as ordinary citizens are called into question. Work, income, social life, and weekly worship are all uncertain. Even basic needs of food and health are a concern for some. 


Peter not only addresses exiles, he also addresses “those who are elect.” This word elect quite literally means to choose, select, or possess as your own. Its meaning is further elaborated by the word foreknowledge in vs 2. This means that not only are God’s people chosen, but they have been from before the world began. While God’s people may experience rejection as exiles and not know what lies ahead, they remain known, chosen, and have been so from before the world began. I love the way the message version puts it: 

“I, Peter, am an apostle,…writing to exiles…Not one is missing, not one forgotten” (emphasis mine). 

To give you even greater confidence and joy as exiles, you need to know who it was that specifically knew you and chose you in ages past: the ever living, ever loving, ever lavishing Triune God. To help people who feel uncertain build confidence and to encourage people who feel afraid, Peter essentially says, “Consider who has chosen you!” God the Father knew you in eternity past, God the Spirit sanctified you (set you apart), and you now exist for obedience to God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. 


In the midst of feeling afraid and uncertain about the future, remember what has already happened in the past: the triune God has chosen you as his very own! And because this happened before the world began, there is nothing in the world (including COVID-19) that can change it. No matter how this virus changes your life circumstances, there is one thing in your life that will never ever change--you belong to God. 

God, I ask, as Peter did, that grace and peace will be multiplied to your people. Quite literally I ask that you would take the grace and peace that they are experiencing in small measure through your word and you would multiply it exponentially as they realize you have chosen them from before the world began! Many feel uncertain, unsure, and worried about what may happen, but would grace and peace multiply in their lives as they remember what has already happened: you have made us your very own through the sacrifice of your Son and the sanctification of your Spirit. Thank you that no matter how displaced we feel in the coming weeks, you have given us a permanent place in your undeserved love and this will never ever change.