Posts in Adam Nadeau
Grace | Daily Devotional

“Blessed is the man whose sin the LORD does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit.”

Psalm 32:1

In the Old Testament, certain English translations use the word “lovingkindness” for the Hebrew word “hesed” or the Greek word “charis.” Although it’s a sort of archaic, clunky-sounding word, it does well in communicating both a beneficial, intimate kind of action (“loving”) and a positive, gentle state of being (“kindness”). God’s grace is more than an absence of bad consequences; it is a proactive enacting of God’s goodness and love towards His people. One local minister appropriately likened God’s grace to His “operating system.”

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Love | Daily Devotional

What does it mean that the LORD- the Creator and Ruler of all things- is love? How are we supposed to think about this? It can be tricky because some people have gotten a picture of “God” as being an abstract, philosophical representation of affection, approval, or enjoyment. An unfortunate implication of this thinking is that “love” becomes synonymous with “God” which leads to many false conclusions. To avoid this, it’s best to remember that attributes go one way; “God is love” is not the same as “Love is God.” It is God who gives the definition and substance to His attributes, not the other way around.

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Quarantine Pitfalls: Social Isolation

Humans are social creatures who literally cannot begin or continue to exist without varying levels of community around us. Our inclusion into larger groups is fundamental to our nature and integral to the development of our individual identities. The first human, it should be noted, realized that he did not have companionship and community for himself in the way that the other creatures did; he was isolated.

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