Posts in Rich Lee
Sovereignty | Daily Devotional

Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.

Jude 24–25

I’ve always connected the word sovereignty with a picture of a king, one ruling from an opulent throne room, complete with servants, advisors, and maybe even a magician in a long robe. While the leftovers of a young boy’s imagination, this picture describes sovereignty fairly well. Sovereignty designates one’s power and right over people, possessions, and land.

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Eternal | Daily Devotional

Years ago, before GPS, the Navy trained Heather and me to navigate aircraft across the oceans using celestial navigation. Yep, just like Magellan, we navigated using observed stars and lots of math. The foundation of celestial navigation is assuming all stars are the same distance from the Earth. While astronomers tell us differently, the distances are so huge that they are all practically an infinite distance away. The stars become fixed points from which we can measure angles to calculate a position.

A fixed point gives us assurance of our place over a vast desert of featureless ocean. It not only tells us where we are, but also which direction to find safety.

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The Blessing of Giving | Daily Devotional

Personally, I am a natural saver. From my earliest memories, I can remember my focus as a steward or manager of anything is to maximize its efficient use. While I’m not as extreme as reusing paper towels, I do squeeze the last atom of toothpaste out before tossing the tube. My walk with Christ has taught me the danger, or sinful side, of being a saver. I can have a propensity to hoard for my future use. Saving can be my downfall in that it makes giving a struggle.

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