The Blessing of Giving | Daily Devotional


“…Put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.” Malachi 3:10b ESV

Personally, I am a natural saver. From my earliest memories, I can remember my focus as a steward or manager of anything is to maximize its efficient use. While I’m not as extreme as reusing paper towels, I do squeeze the last atom of toothpaste out before tossing the tube. My walk with Christ has taught me the danger, or sinful side, of being a saver. I can have a propensity to hoard for my future use. Saving can be my downfall in that it makes giving a struggle.

The antidote to this tension is a better understanding of the purpose of saving and giving. In a very direct way, the Prophet Malachi speaks to the importance of giving as an act of worship. He teaches those who sinfully struggle with giving are actually “robbing God” (vs. 8). The Old Testament tithe is the first 10% of your earnings while offerings are out of our abundance of God’s blessings. The Bible teaches that while we gather from our work, it is God who ultimately gives it all through his blessings of our abilities and opportunities. He calls Israel to trust him by obediently returning 10% in worship. 

Giving as worship

Picture this: you are really hungry and God gives you 10 apples but asks that you give just one back to help others. Would nine fill you any less than 10? I have discovered that living on 90% in worship is far better than 100% in rebellion. Giving is all about changing my heart to be more like Christ. God doesn’t need my money, but he does demand my full heart.

But, giving is easy when we have plenty to give! During lean times, we all tend to lean on our duty to protect, to store-up for the unknown future. While this planning is rational, good, and biblically correct, we must avoid robbing God in the process. Challenging times reveal where your true trust is – yourself or the all-powerful God who spoke all into existence. During this time of social exile, many of you may be unemployed or under-employed while others have plenty to give extra offerings. Maybe it is time to trust God when the math doesn’t quite make sense. 

In Malachi 3, God challenges us to exercise total trust. He does something amazing in verse 10; He gives Israel permission to test Him. God’s response to full tithing will be the opening of the “…windows of heaven for you and pour down for you blessings until there is no more need.” While it is dangerous theology for one to expect blessings from giving, God does promise that he will shower blessings over the land. This may not be directly for you, but your giving will bring peace, hope, and possibly, eternal salvation to a hungry child, a lonely widow, or struggling single mother.

Reflecting the greatest Giver

What is your purpose with respect to giving? Why has God given you talents and giftings to earn money? COVID-19 quarantine might be a time you have less ability to give. Regardless, God challenges each to trust him through all. Just as God gave himself for you, consider how giving is an act of worship, not only trusting God in a deeper way but also reflecting his sacrificial giving. 

We worship the one, true God through giving and managing well. How could you use this quarantine time to worship more by becoming a better manager for God, to include bringing the full tithe or increasing your offerings? If you are unemployed, consider unique and innovative ways to give as our Lord does.

Our purpose should be to worship the Lord by growing into mature followers of Jesus Christ, telling others about Jesus, and teaching believers to walk closer to our Savior. Part of growing is becoming a radical giver, just like the Father giving His Son, like Jesus Christ giving Himself for your sin, and like the Holy Spirit giving us comfort, healing, guidance, and encouragement.

Lord, I praise you for the gifts and talents that you shower me with daily. Thank you for the gift of abundant life and life eternally through your shed blood at the cross. I submit my time, talents, and income to you. Show me how to grow a heart for giving, help me to experience joy with every dollar I give in your name. Help me to align my heart with yours.