How do I connect at New City?

We know how hard it can be to connect into relationships that are life-giving and spiritually encouraging. Although it’s difficult, we believe it’s vital. Below is a list of the ways that you can connect into relationship, learn more about Jesus, and engage as a missionary in our city.



Sunday Gatherings

We believe that the corporate expression of the church, as it gathers together to worship Christ, is incredibly important. We think that singing together, praying together, and hearing God’s Word preached help to encourage us and satisfy the longing we have in our hearts: to know God.



Community Groups

A Community Group is a gathering of approximately 12 people who meet weekly in homes throughout the broader Manassas area. During this gathering, they spend the first 30-45 minutes in fellowship, then move into a time of discussion, study and prayer.

The gospel not only changes how we relate to God but also how we treat one another. Having been adopted as God the Father’s children, we now relate to one another as family, and pursue authentic relationships with each other. We believe that gathering routinely in small groups will help us truly live out this picture of biblical community.




We believe that Christians within a local church body are called to live out their spiritual lives alongside one another, and not apart. This practice, exemplified in Scripture, is called membership.



Equipping Classes

Central to the Christian life is our understanding and engagement with God’s Word, His view of the world, and His call on us towards mission. We aim to offer Christian education in the arenas of theology, Christian living, and cross-cultural mission.
